Prof. Dr. M. Es'ad COSAN

The creator of the universe, our Exalted Lord, wants us to be good servants to him. He has sent us many prophets, for example, Adam, Noah, Abraham and Jesus (May peace be with them) to show us what we must do and how we must do it in order to gain His approval. He has also allowed us to have many holy books--the Torah, Zubur, Bible and Koran. Hadrat Muhammed, whose birth was announced in the first holy books, is the last prophet. His sovereignty will continue until doomsday and no other prophet will follow him. He was sent to us as an envoy to convey God's orders, as a teacher to correct degenerated beliefs, and as a man to show us true morality.

Throughout his life, Hadrat Muhammed, a message to all men, fulfilled his sacred mission in the best possible way. He did not restrict his efforts to his own people. In spite of the difficulties of those times, and limited transportation and communication, he conveyed his message to all by means of writing letters (Some are found in museums today.) and sending messegers to neighboring countries. He invited the rulers of the Byzantine, Iranian and Sasanian Empires, and the kings of Egypt, Abyssinia and Bahrain o follow Islam. Muhammed's four caliphs (mujtehid imams )--expounders of Islamic law, God-fearing scholars, true spiritual guides and pious statesmen--continued to spread enlightenment and invite others to Islam. They spread Islam to large nations and distant lands. For centuries Islam dominated continents and oceans with excellence and honor. The spread of Islam to many countries was by means of commercial and cultural enterprises.


Later on, Muslims forgot their main objective in life and started pursuiting pleasures and splendors. They failed to watch their enemies carefully and neglected to pursuit knowledge and do scientific research. As a result, the situation changed. Since they failed to unite as a whole, they were defeated by their enemies, lost territory, and were subjected to abasement and slavery.

Today Muslims are at the beginning of an awakening, a revival, a period of getting organized once again. Now, responsibility has fallen onto their shoulders. As before, one of the duties of Muslims is to spread Islam, to protect Muslim societies and future generations, to enlighten mankind, and to train, educate and raise everyone according to Islam. No obstacles or excuses should deter Muslims from doing so. Business, art, education, official duty and other activities are secondary to Muslims.

In view of all this, Muslims must not forget their religious duties because of their struggle to make a living, fears for the future or concern about the world. They must spend their lives and use every opportunity they can to follow God's way. They must spread every aspect of Islam and take responsibility in groups working towards this end, such as associations and foundations. They must materially and spiritually support dedicated and conscious Muslims who struggle in this cause. By doing that they will achieve happiness.

(Islam, September 1987)

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