Prof. Dr. M. Es'ad COSAN

As a writer and publisher, I must read ten to fifteen newspapers and magazines every day. Elhamdulillah, as a Muslim I approach every task thinking whether it is in accordance with Islam in order to gain God's approval. I analyze the articles, the advertisement and even the cartoons. I believe it is the responsibility of every Muslim not only to spread Islam but also to protect spiritual and material interests of every Muslim.

Unfortunately, I have noticed that Muslims all over the world have been facing problems. Some of these problems are caused by ignorant people, people who have no knowledge of world politics, people who are enemies of Islam, that is, people who are part of the super powers. They understand neither clandestine foreign organizations working in their countries, nor their plans and advertisement, nor their tricks and intricacies. Many intellectuals and politicians have become their tools, and many people are their accomplices and supporters. Scholars themselves are not aware of the source of this matter. The common people such as traitors are, in fact, the executors and enemies. They look upon their friends who try to defend them as enemies. Being dragged from one disaster to another due to their false ideologies, they continue on without faith, religion, and conscience. They reject the only prescription that can lead them to their salvation.


I recommend that Muslims read a book by Ahmet Varol entitled Islam Dünyasindan Kesitler, (Seha Yayinlari No: 50 Cihad Serisi 1). This book will help Muslims to introduce the topic to other Muslims and understand the importance of working together and dedicating time and effort to this type of work. Here is an interesting paragraph from this book. This was extracted from a speech given by a missionary in 1971 in an airport in New York. In this speech he asked for donations to build churches in the Middle East. He stated: "Muhammed forced the Savior out of the Arabian Peninsula. But, the Savior (not Jesus, but the Christian Church) will return in the 20th century. If you make donations for the churches to be built in the Arabian Peninsula, you will be helping materialize our dream which is to build a Christian Church beside Kaaba in Mecca (14-15).

Today on the radio, television, press and among our youth and our rural people, the satanic forces have embarked upon an intense effort. If we do not unite ourselves, in a very short time our national and religious culture will crumble. Consequently, Muslims throughout the country will suffer.


Turkey's acceptance to the European Common Market will open the way for a totally loss of our already limited activities. We will be reduced to the position of an unwanted, oppressed minority whose rights are not recognized. People who do not like us such as Armenians and other non-Muslims are going to occupy our nation. Great economic opportunities will go into the hands of foreigners, and the most beautiful places in Turkey will be plundered by large consortiums and rich Europeans. Our one thousand-year old glorious history will come to an end.

This article is meant to be a warning to all readers and other concerned people. I hope that God will allow us to be among those who see the truth and act accordingly, those who perceive falsehood and protect themselves against it, those who spend their lives trying to please God, and those who contribute to beneficial and profitable causes. May God protect us from heedlessness, ignorance, deviation and treachery.

(Islam, November 1988)

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