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That means, even if it is at such a moment in a battle, Muslims should let those who declare to be Muslims be free. This is the advice of the Prophet. He never had a grudge against anybody; he preferred forgiving. When some poets seek refuge with him, he treated them with kindness and gave one of them his cloak despite the fact that the very same poets recited improper poems about him. Likewise, when people, who had mistreated him in Mecca in the past, accepted Islam, he welcomed them.

The life of the Prophet was full of manifestation of love, forgiveness, mercy, affection, and understanding. His character, manners and code of conduct are examples for us to follow. We ought to have the same code of conduct.

The verse in the end of the Surah Tawba describes him:


(Laqad jâ-akum rasûlun min anfusikum azîz, 'alayhi mâ anittum harîsun alaykum bil-mu'minîna ra-ûfun rahîm.) "Now there has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves; grievous to him is your suffering; anxious is he over you, gentle to the believers, compassionate" (Tawba: 128).

He was very gentle and softhearted; he was very compassionate towards believers. He protected them, defended their interests, and wanted them not to be sad. That is what he did throughout his life.

Once at the funeral of a believer he said: "I am the guardian of those who leave nobody behind who will be responsible for the payment of their debts. I will pay their debts. If he leaves some property, his heirs will share it." We see that he tried his best for people to have a good life in the hereafter by freeing them from their debts and other burdens.


The Prophet was so generous that when he gave, he would not give little but plenty. Once he gave a flock of sheep to a person, and that person and his tribe accepted Islam upon witnessing the generosity of the Prophet. His life was exactly how it was described in the Qur'an and in the ahadith.

We have an obligation to equip ourselves with the same code of conduct, for the Prophet was sent to us as an example to follow. We have to study the character of the Prophet and understand it. Then we should try to change our character and follow his exemplary path. May Almighty Allah help us acquire the manners and code of conduct of the Prophet as it was described in the Qur'an.

Once Hadrat A'isha, the Mother of the believers, was asked about the (akhlâq) character and conduct of the Prophet. She responded: "Haven't you read the Qur'an? His character and conduct was the glorious Qur'an." That is, he was the leading person who would ponder about each verse of the Qur'an, reflect it to his life, and arrange his life according to the verses of the Qur'an. His code of conduct was the Qur'an.


We can learn about the conduct of the Prophet by studying the Qur'an and the books written about him. There are so many books describing his life, his character, and his conduct in great detail. We shall read those books and improve our character and conduct. We must abandon ill characters and misconduct and acquire good characters and conducts, for Allah Almighty loves those who has good characters and rewards them greatly.

May Almighty Allah equip us with good characters and good conduct. May He place us among His beloved servants. May He honor us with His Beauty in His Paradise.

Es-selâmu alaykum wa rahmatullàhi wa barakâtuhu, dear brothers and sisters!

January 19, 2001 -- AUSTRALIA

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